It all started with a baby...
That's me (Isabell) When I was a baby, I Dribbled. A lot. I would soak through countless outfits in a matter of hours. After weeks of several wardrobe changes a day, my Mum (Lara) knew something had to change, so took matters into her own hands.

The Conception
As no bib out there could match my Dribbling prowess, Lara sat down at her sewing machine and began to fashion stronger bibs out of old towels. The material was much more durable - I had found my match and Mum began to save a lot of time in the day … a solution was in sight!

The Bib Boom
After receiving lots of interest in her kitchen creations, Lara realised she wasn’t the only parent with a Dribble Monster. She began selling her bibs from a stall in South East London’s Greenwich Market…and so the bib revolution had begun!

A Star is Born
Frustrated by the lack of creativity on offer in the bib world, Lara came up with fun and stylish designs – our signatures becoming a bib in the shape of a strawberry that offers maximum coverage, and an embroidered star shaped bib. The goal was to create something stylish that would compliment a baby’s outfit – especially if they were going to be wearing it for most of the day.
Shop Strawberry bibs Shop Star shaped bibs

Learning to Walk
Raising three small children as well as growing a small business is no mean feat… As demand grew for her super absorbent creations, Lara knew it was time to look for help. After lots of searching, she found the perfect match in a small family run factory in India. Thousands of bibs later we are very proud to say we are still working together.

A Family Affair
The entrepreneurial apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. Now I am a bit beyond the stage of dribbling all day long, I have followed in my Mother’s footsteps and continue the mission to keep Little Dribblers dry.

Mission Accomplished
Our roots have spread far and wide since our early market stall days. We are delighted to now be considered a must-have for many new parents, with our bibs sitting pretty on Dribblers all over the world. With Lara’s mission accomplished, Little Ones can dribble to their heart’s content without all the outfit changes. Happy Days!
Fancy giving our bibs a go? You can read more about them here
Now to think what you will spend all that extra time doing…